
Audi Design // Fooseball Table

A few members of the ColdTrackDays staff are fooseball fans. I am included in that list, once having a fooseball table in the bedroom where a dresser had once sat (didn't go over so well with the misses). So when word came down that Audi had released a limited edition fooseball table, the staff got a little crazy. Begging and pleading ensued, excuses were trumped up as to why a fooseball table could serve as both desk and recreational device, we are on the verge of mutiny here! The Audi Design fooseball table (or table football, we don't want to offend..) screams German engineering. With brushed aluminium and design cues that are reminiscent of the RS4's grill, that big silver snarling beast that it is. We like it, and are apparently trying to get one. No details yet, more on that later // 07.16.2008

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