
Grand Prix of Germany // Motivation

If you haven't already pegged us as vintage Formula One fans, a simple look at our logo should suffice. Much of the staff here at ColdTrackDays was fortunate enough to witness first hand, the grandeur and style that accompanied Formula One through the sixties and seventies. I however, was not so fortunate. A fascination with the raw, unadulterated, visceral experience that drivers of that era experienced, the craftsmanship and the danger, has lead me to create ColdTrackDays. Filling a need in my own life, I had grown tired of searching the internet for automotive news and worthy tid bits, finding it difficult to locate anything that captured my interest, that showcased the style once abundant in the motorsport world. So here we are, providing those of simillar intent, with simillar interests, with a source, a place to meet all those needs. Jim Culp, local legend and photojournalist extraordinaire, has provided the above image. Shot at the German Grand Prix in 1968, Culp has been present for all that I have missed. With this years Grand Prix of Germany seeing the green flag in 00d 4h 55m 20s (courtesy of Formula1.com), we felt it appropriate to provide our readers with a bit of vintage imagery, something to remind them that where we are now, is a result of where we were then // 07.20.2008

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