
Less Obvious // Shirts For The Car Geek

Being an motorsports fan and not making it deathly obvious is a difficult task, to say the least. A fact that often results in wearing Ferrari embossed baseball caps, Porsche Design sneakers or those brightly colored shirts you pick up at the track, thinking they are cool, but once you get home, realizing that you are never gonna wear it outside the house (guilty). ColdTrackDays has offered a few reasonable solutions in the past, but when we came across Racing Code, we knew we had struck gold. A bit less formal then the ties we featured from Cyberoptix and a bit less brazen then the Ferrari cell phone, which by the way you can only own if you also own a Ferrari, ColdTrackDays rule! Above is but a small selection of what Racing Code has, a few of our favorites and shirts that you can wear, that wont scream car geek // 07.03.2008

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