
Green Ferraris & Carbon Footprints //

The European Council is in the final stages of implementing a continent wide fleet limit on CO2 levels, a decision that is said to become effective by 2012. The fleet limit would force fleet average CO2 levels to 130g/km and greatly effect current automakers options and emission standards. Those seeing the greatest impact, try super car manufacturers such as Ferrari, Lamborghini and Maserati. Ferrari intends to counteract the councils decision by implementing changes of their own, cutting CO2 levels in half via lighter cars and new hybrid technologies. Ferrari CEO Luca Cordero di Montezemolo stated, “we are currently working on the development of a Ferrari that will use alternative energy sources and which will be based on what we are doing at the moment in Formula 1,” he went on to mention that Ferrari will reduce its CO2 emissions 40% by 2012. Formula One tech, an automaker with endless means, all will end well for the Italians. Now Chevrolet on the other hand, they ought to bite the bullet, drop the Hummer and the nine passenger suv's before the townspeople start shopping for pitchforks and torches // 07.06.2008

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