
Guest Post // Garth Stein On Racing Sam Moses

As promised, here is author Garth Stein's perspective on his upcoming battle with Sam Moses, at the Mazda Grand Prix of Portland:

In addition to my strict dietary regimen and exhaustive exercise routine, I am doing a great deal of meditating and visualization.  The mental aspect of the race is the most important element, and that's where I have an advantage.  Oh, I know Sam is clever and quick-witted, and he is especially good at Sudoku.  But his mind is, by nature, trapped in the reality of the world around us, whereas I can envision myself not simply beating Sam, but winning the race outright.  If I concentrate hard enough, I can make it happen!  I know it is possible.  

I also have an advantage in that I've raced SM before, whereas Sam has only driven some crazy stock car up some pyramid in New Guinea or something.  (Like that's supposed to impress anyone!  Cannibals?  Oooh!  I'm scared!)  The important element of driving a car like a Spec Miata or an MX-5 Cup car is momentum, and clearly I have all the momentum.  I mean my book is on The New York Times bestseller list, it's the Starbucks pick, it was the June #1 Booksense pick, and it's been #1 in Taiwan for the past five weeks....  These things add to my momentum--and the momentum of my car!  

Finally, I've said it before and I'll say it again:  Sam, friend, save yourself the embarrassment of being beaten by a fiction writer.  Take the weekend and go climb Mount Hood.  It's very nearby, and it's quite beautiful this time of year.  Stick to mountain climbing, Sam.  Leave the car racing to me.  (I've attached a topographical map of Mount Hood for your convenience.)Packing list for my track bag:  Nomex racing suit.  Nomex socks, underwear, balaclava.  Racing gloves, racing shoes.  Helmet and HANS device.  Extra sack for trophy. 

Packing list for Sam's track bag:  Waterproof boots.  Crampons.  Lots of nylon rope with which to stop his plunge into the crevasse he may stumble into.  One of those GPS alarm things so he can be rescued while dangling from the nylon rope deep in the crevasse.  Beef jerky so he can sustain his strength while waiting for the search dogs to find him.  A box of chocolates that he can give to his rescuers as a way of saying thanks.  A cell phone he can use to activate his TiVo from the crevasse so he can watch me win the Mazda Grand Prix from his couch after he's rescued.  

If you do show up, Sam, please remember:  This is not a row boat; the seats face forward!

The Mazda Grand Prix of Portland begins July 22 and runs through the weekend. To read Sam Moses' perspective on racing Garth Stein, click here // 07.15.2008

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