
'Local Ride' // SSC Ultimate Aero

American made, American muscle and Guinness certified. The Shelby Super Cars (no relation) Ultimate Aero has managed to best the French Bugatti in its own game. Setting the world record for fastest production car, the Ultimate Aero ran a 256mph pass, claiming victory over the Veyron. Built here in the states, the Ultimate Aero is going to be limited to a 50 car production run, as SSC has a few other things in the works. Jay Leno, having heard of the SSC Ultimate Aero and its record setting pass, decided he wanted in on the action. Jerod Shelby (again, no relation), owner and creator of the Ultimate Aero, was more than happy to lend Jay one of his cars for the day. Few people are capable of jumping behind the wheel of a 1,200bhp monster, but Jay Leno just so happens to be one of those people. And so it went... Oh, did we mention, SSC is based out of West Richland, Washington. Click here to read a recent article in the Tri-City Herald about Richland native Jerod Shelby // 07.13.2008

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