
Is Peugeot Testing Airplanes?

With Le Mans looming in the future, the LMP teams are out in force testing their highly advanced rides. Marc Gene, driver for French auto manufacturer Peugeot, lost control of the #7 Peugeot prototype on June 1 and took to the skies. The video is startling, with the prototype overcoming the forces of gravity and catching air, then going MIA from the cameras view, leaving us to wonder if it truly did launch into space. The crash sent Gene to the hospital, where he was later released and deemed fit to compete. The Peugeot Prototype on the other hand will not be fit to race, and the Peugeot team is in the process of petitioning the Le Mans brass, to allow for a replacement chassis to be used for the June 14-15 race // 06.05.2008

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