

After our experience in Parisian traffic, it is no surpirse that WRC champion Sebastien Loeb can drive so well. Participating in a Red Bull sponsored Gymkhana event somewhere in Argentina, check out this video of Loeb doing his best Ken Block impersionation... [read more]

Video courtesy of 0-60


  1. Loeb kicks Block's ass twice with this one. First, it was made waaaay before Block ever heard of Gymkhana racing. Second - Loeb took it with one shot, straight out of trailer, no trial runs before it :]

    Therefore we, the European rally enthusiasts, would like to invite Mr. B. to take part in some real rallying here, where big boys race :]

  2. You are incorrect MacMerkur in that this video was made AFTER Ken Blocks Gymkhana. This video was a demo given by Loeb in the days prior to the 2009 Argentine Rally. Gymkhana One was filmed in September 2008.

    You are corrent though in that this is a single take video, made with a car with 200BHP less than either of Block's Gymkhana cars and put together without any fancy editing tricks.

  3. There both cool but Ken Blocks gymkhana videos are a hundred times better than this and look at the skid marks all over the road, looks to me like they did it more than once, Blocks videos were thought out and put together so thats the reason for the "trial runs". Ken Block is the shit!!!
